Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Here we go....again

So, try as I might, I couldn't recover my initial Stagekiss blog. I had Blogger Help trying to figure it out with me, dice. I was actually slightly flattered that my little lost blog stumped some of the Blogger genius tech help...that is, until I gave my confession, that I had deleted my blog 3 years ago. AH! That cleared the mystery, which they then, basically gave me a sympathetic cyber pat-on-the-back, that my blog was long gone after 3 years...which shocked the hell outta me! Aren't Google servers nearly infinite in their capacity of space? You coulda knocked me over with a feather when I heard my blog was gone.


In a way, I'm glad it's gone. It had become a conduit to vent my frustration over Sonoma State, where I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Theatre, ALTHOUGH, I've recently been told by Sonoma State University (SSU for short), that I didn't actually earn my BA yet...that I still have some credits missing. WTF?! Credits "missing"? You mean, like the kids that are "missing" and show up on the backs of milk cartons? THAT kind of "missing"? REALLY? Since when, SSU? When I am afforded some free time in September, I plan to challenge this assertion, in person, because as far as I know, the degree that sits in one of my boxes in storage, in its pretty little cover, is good as gold. But, more on this later. I'll be sharing more about this missing BA in Theatre degree from SSU in a later blog. Let me just say that I will fight tooth and nail to prove that I earned my degree from SSU, because I will not let that little eyesore of a "university" steal one more red cent from me. In fact, my friend Jocelyn fought them over their bullshit, that they said she didn't earn her BA degree (they said to her, as well, that she didn't have enough credits), and won! I plan to do the same. AND, I'll be sharing the good, the bad and the ugly on my blog. If any of you want to know my candid feelings on SSU, and my experience with it, I'd like to encourage you to read over my Yelp reviews, which you can handily find by typing in LeAnne Rumbel, on

But again, more on that later.

Rashly, I put the kabosh on my first Stagekiss blog, after I had some uncomfortable run-ins over blog posts I made (and here I thought no one would give a rat's ass what some little nobody in San Francisco thought...who knew?). I decided to strike my blog, hang up my hat and step away from Blogger for good....but like any writer who loves the idea of self-publishing, and sharing a bit of their perspective with the world, blogging is a delicious fit. And you know what? While some of my blog posts WERE, admittedly, a bit controversial, I LOVED the fact that I had a fan in Indonesia! INDONESIA! Someone cared enough to read what I was musing about, and make a comment or two, from INDONESIA.....c'mon, how great is that?!

Of course, some hate mail from past SSU peers of mine, the brush-off I received from a few SSU instructors I've had, and an awkward moment between a local critic in Marin and myself I could've done without, but it was also invigorating to know that I had, with my little blog, provoked some people, while allowing me to free myself from my resentment(s) I've held onto, and had a forum to speak my mind, to vent and scream out that I was mad as hell and I wasn't gonna take it anymore! (Ten points if you can name the film that quote comes from)

And so, here we go again. STAGEKISS IS REBORN, and I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised that was not taken! In fact, I was shocked! Since I put the kabosh on my first Stagekiss blog, Madonna kissed Britney onstage at the MTV music awards (I know, I know, ancient history by now...but it was a Stagekiss, after all), countless stage kisses have been shared, the words 'stage kiss' continues to draw thousands of google traffic hits, AND Sarah Ruhl wrote a play called 'Stage Kiss'. I thought FOR SURE, when I finally accepted the hard truth that my first Stagekiss blog was gone to the ethers, that some lucky SOB had snapped up Stagekiss. Nope. Now, Stagekids? Whoo boy, you have no idea how long gone that blog name is. But Stagekiss? Is still my baby.

It's good to be back.